
Episode 11: Sports, Masculinity & Violence

The sports world is in many ways a reflection of our larger society, where a dominant class exploits nationalist tendencies and emotions to maintain a system of growing inequality and violence.  Big sports leagues thrive on the dominant gender roles in our culture, where men are taught to be strong, tough and in control over "the enemy" yet obey orders from the hierarchy of power.  Just as in the military, it should be no surprise that there is a strong culture of bigotry, harassment and assault in sports franchises -- anyone not confirming to the official line is vilified -- not to mention the ongoing epidemic of rape in both institutions. Treating sports figures as role models sends terrible messages about how to be a good person in a complex society. In the first half I chat with sports writer Dave Zirin -- Host of Edge of Sports Radio, Sports Editor at The Nation Magazine -- about the intersection between sports and politics.  Later in the show I share a recent clip from Modern Primate about hyper-masculinity and rape culture, including how to not be creepy.

All this follows my opening commentary on downsizing and leaving my old boring life behind to start a very exciting Sustainable Transportation Tour of North America.  I am finally wrapping up the long process of breaking out of the lifestyle everyone thinks we're supposed to be living.

Thanks to Holy Fuck (CBC Radio 3) for the intro & closing music, and to Parodies of Life for the office culture skit.

Look for an mini-cast on Valentines Day and other corporate- and state-sponsored holidays in the near future. Unfortunately the timing wasn't right to get it in today, but it's relevant all year.  In the meantime check out a few links to

UPDATE:  I fixed the missing office culture skit. Sorry about that; download it again if you have a minute of dead air at about 12 minutes in.